Nice post John, really enjoyed it. Dale and I (ask Leslie who we are haha) attended Humboldt State and many of our early dates were to "Patrick's Point". I never thought about how it was named, it just was. Do you know if Sumeg Rock is what we knew as " Wedding Rock" at the park?

Fresno County is currently fighting tooth and nail to keep from renaming "Squaw Valley" to Yokohl Valley.

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Thanks, Herb! I'm glad you liked it. Leslie tells me you and she are Ag Leadership pals (she still has a small peace sign lapel pin you gave her during your class activities). Regarding the connection between Sumeg and Wedding Rock, I can't say for sure but I believe they are one and the same. That's a very distinctive formation on the peninsula, and it's unlikely that there would be an indigenous name for something less prominent in its vicinity.

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